Unlock the "secrets" top agencies, coaches, and consultants are using to land 5-10 high ticket PREMIUM clients every... single...month
We leave NOTHING out.... This is not your typical "big picture BS course"...
You know the one were they give you a tiny "piece" of the pie and leave you to stumble around in dark to figure out the rest of their "secrets".
This is designed to give you EXACTLY what you need to level up and scale your agency.
Inside this full course you will learn👇👇
Here's What You'll Be Getting
How to find the riches in the niches and love your business again
How to build a "Scary Offer" that attracts high ticket clients on demand
The perfect stranger method
Our students are using to generate 50+ qualified appointments every single month using only their profiles
The "SOAP" ads system, the EXACT ads, funnel and process
our 7 figure agency uses to fill our sales teams calendar with 100+ appointments every month
The 8 step "RAD framework
Responsible for over 30 million in agency sales for our agency
The roadmap workshop
Showing you how to use all your new tools to build a true, 7 figure
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